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Dolores gaos gonzalezpola 2 december 1921, in valencia 4 july 1993, in madrid was a spanish film, television and theatre actress. A young man goes with his drunken grandfather to an island seeking treasure. Jess francos loose adaptation of robert louis stevensons. Jesus franco archive eroticage watch online 60s 70s. This is one of the more interesting post1980 jesus franco efforts, supposedly based no doubt very loosely on a robert louis stevenson story. But when he attempts to fully explore island and collect the treasure, he ends up discovering some mysterious nymphs who seduce him. Dolores gaos gonzalezpola 2 december 1921, in valencia 4 july. Eduardo martinez fajardo 14 august 1924 4 july 2019 was a spanish film actor born in meis, spain. May 04, 2016 this feature is not available right now. Famous with her works with luis bunuel but specially the film furtivos where she played the dominant mother. A guy looks for treasure on an island gets seduced by a group of sirens and falls in love with. He appeared in 183 films, 75 plays and made 2,000 television appearances between 1947 and 2002. Stevenson or david hamilton lazarillo 7 october 2012.

May 29, 2017 this pin was discovered by garbagemansrevenge. German, french, italian, spanish, polish, rumanian, dutch, hungarian, portuguese. This film is not currently playing on mubi but 30 other great films are. Watch online 60s 70s 80s erotica, vintage, softcore movies. Linaromaynakedelfontanerosumujeryotrascosasdemetera83463016f870035a. En this service does not allow download watch movies online, only offers information about movies around the world text and poster for tv and.